Orwen Thyrias

Wandering chaotic alchemist and aetherweaving maniac.
+ ferret!


Orwen is a bit of a mystery. He has a bland, accentless voice, but everything else about him screams for attention- including his attitude. Orwen absolutely loves being the centre of attention, especially if it means he gets to discuss his aetherical experiments or whatever else amuses him at the time.Orwen absolutely refuses to talk about his past, and when he does, it changes every single time. One day, he says he was born and raised in Ul'dah by wealthy merchants, and the next, he's claiming to be an orphan from Limsa Lominsa. His stories never line up, and he seems perfectly content to keep it that way.He currently has no place of residence, instead choosing to wander Eorzea. ... He may also be an aetheric vampire, but who's to say for sure?

» Male? (He/Any)
» Au Ra? (Raen)
» 30-ish years old...?
» Chaotic Neutral

RP Info

RATTUS - Orwen has a pet whittret named Rattus that's often seen scurrying about with him, usually propped up on his shoulder. Come say hi!

EXPERIMENTS - Around most major cities and towns, small posters can be found with shoddy handwriting asking for 'special volunteers.' ... They usually get taken down within a day.

AETHER FLUX - Orwen's aether levels are constantly shifting. One minute, his aether is normal, the next, he's a bomb waiting to explode or basically dead. Fun!

KABOOM - If you're ever out wandering the wilds and hear or see an explosion, Orwen might be nearby. He's notorious for his volatile magic and fondness for destruction.

With Orwen, I'm looking for just about any kind of RP! He's primarily a casual and/or adventuring character, but I can see him getting into just about anything. This includes darker or mature themes; they aren't a priority, but I won't turn away from them, either. Romance isn't an incentive for him, nor is sex. But y'know, things can happen.He's a bit quirky and I don't write him often, so he can sometimes be difficult to write; that said, he is one of my most entertaining characters to write once I get in the groove.


Call me Myst! I'm 20, and I go by he/him. My main hobbies are drawing and writing, but I also have interests in palaeontology, marine biology, and psychology!I have some social anxiety, and it can sometimes get in the way of me interacting with people- but I try my best to overcome it and talk to as many new folks as I can!Discord is the easiest way to contact me!
